Going Up English Universe

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L1 - U7

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Unit Overview:

  • Short Vowel Sounds (a, e, i, o, u)

  • Consonant Sounds (all)

  • Phonics Blends (ea, i_e, ee) 

  • Occupations & Actions

  • People in the Community

  • Modes of Transportation

  • Transportation Verbs

  • Places & Prepositions

  • Grading Sizes

  • Digraph ea: Leaf, Sea, Tea, Peas, Eat, Meat, Beak

  • Digraph ee: Sweet, See, Bee, Feet, Three, Free, Teeth

  • Split Digraph i_e: Ice, Rice, Mice, Nice, Pike, Bike, Hike, Mike

  • Jobs: Teacher, Farmer, Police Officer, Firefighter, Artist, Astronaut, Engineer, Scientist, Doctor, Chef

  • Places: School, Farm, Police Station, Fire Station, Museum, Spaceship, Building, Lab, Hospital, Restaurant

  • Verbs: Teach, Grow, Protect, Fight, Paint, Fly, Build, Study, Save, Cook

  • What is her job? She is an engineer.

  • What is their job? They are firefighters.

  • Do you want to be a doctor? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

  • What job do you want to do? I want to be a teacher.

  • What job do you not want to do? I don’t want to be an artist.

  • Where does a farmer work? A farmer works on a farm.

  • Where do the doctors work? The doctors work at a hospital.

  • What does a firefighter do? A firefighter fights fires.

  • What do doctors do? Doctors save people.

Lesson 1: Phonics “EA” & “EE”

Great job diving into the world of digraphs! Digraphs are 2 letters that make 1 sound. Keep practicing our vocabulary words to improve your pronunciation of these two digraph sounds.

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Leaf, Sweet, Tea, Sea, Eat, Pea, Meat, Beak, Feet, See, Bee, Job, Teacher, Farmer

  • Sentences: “A teacher teaches.” “A farmer grows food.”


Lesson 2: What’s Your Job?

Wonderful job exploring different jobs today! Jobs are things people do to make money. You’ve learned to describe jobs like “doctor” and “scientist.” Keep practicing by talking to your parents about what jobs you might want to do when you grow up.

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Chef, Police Officer, Firefighter, Scientist, Artist, Doctor, Astronaut, Engineer, Teacher, Farmer

  • Sentences: “What is his/her job?” “He/She is a [job].”


Lesson 3: Community Places

You’re doing great! Today we learned about different places in a community. Look around your own community. What kinds of jobs do you see people doing? Where do they work?

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Community, City, Village, School, Mountain, Farm, Police Station, Fire Station, Hospital, Building, Museum, Spaceship

  • Sentences: “Where does a ___ work?” “A ___ works in/on/at a ____?” “Where does a doctor work?” “A doctor works in a hospital.”


Lesson 4: Phonics “I_E”

Excellent work today with the digraph “i_e” sounds! Keep practicing these words to become even more confident.

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Bike, Hike, Mike, Nice, Pike, Ice, Mice, Rice

  • Sentences: “Do you want to be a ___?” “Yes, I do./No, I don’t.” “What do you want to be?” “I want to be a ___.”


Lesson 5: What Do They Do?

You’re doing a fantastic job describing what people do in their jobs. You’ve learned that a doctor “saves” people, and an artist “paints.” Keep expanding your knowledge of job-related actions. Think about what jobs you would like to try when you grow up. 

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Works, Saves, Paints, Grows, Flies, Builds

  • Sentences: “An artist paints pictures.” “A doctor saves people.” “An astronaut flies a ship.” “An engineer builds buildings.”


Lesson 6: Phonics “EY”

Great work on the digraph “ey” sound! Keep practicing our vocabulary words to work on this sound!

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Key, Monkey, Honey, Donkey, Turkey, Valley, Money, Cooks, Protects, Fights, Studies, 

  • Sentences: “A chef cooks food.” “A police officer protects people.” “A firefighter fights fires.” “A scientist studies science.”



Lesson 7: Walk, Drive, Ride

Today we had fun learning about transportation verbs! Nice work! You can now describe how you get around using words like “walk” and “ride.” Keep using these verbs to express yourself and talk about your daily routine.

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Walk, Ride, Drive, Fly

  • Sentences: Use sentences like, “I [transportation verb] to [place].” “I ride the bus to school.” “I walk to the park.”


Lesson 8: Where Is It?

Great work progressing with prepositions! You know how to describe where places are located. You can use these words to give directions around your community!

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Next to, Behind, Close to, Far from, Between

  • Sentences: Practice using, “The [place] is [preposition] the [place].” “The hospital is next to the market.”


Lesson 9: Big or Small

Excellent work comparing sizes! Continue comparing sizes of things at your house to enhance your vocabulary.

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Big, Bigger, Biggest, Small, Smaller, Smallest

  • Sentences: Try using, “The [object] is [comparative adjective] than the [object].” “The bus is bigger than the car.” “The spaceship is the biggest.”


Lesson 10 Feedback:

Congratulations on completing Unit 7: Work Work Work! You’ve reviewed important concepts like digraphs, prepositions, jobs, and places. Keep going up!

  • Vocabulary to Practice: Chef, Police Officer, Firefighter, Scientist, Artist, Doctor, Astronaut, Engineer, Teacher, Farmer, Community, City, Village, School, Mountain, Farm, Police Station, Fire Station, Hospital, Building, Museum, Spaceship, Works, Saves, Paints, Grows, Flies, Builds, Walk, Drive, Ride, Fly, Next to, Behind, Close to, Far from, Between, Big, Bigger, Biggest, Small, Smaller, Smallest

  • Sentences: Continue practicing sentences from previous lessons.

L1 U7 - Work Work Work
L1 U7
Work Work Work
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L1 U7 - Work Work Work
L1 U7
Work Work Work
🪫Charge Your Ship! 🚀
Mission Complete!