Going Up English Universe

Super Senses Return
L3 - U5

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Unit Overview:

  • The 5 Senses (Taste, Smell, Hearing, Touch, Sight)

  • Adjectives

  • Present & Past Tense Verbs

  • Story Sequencing (First, Next, Then, Finally)

  • Short A, E, I, O, U Sounds

  • Comparatives & Superlative

In “Super Senses Return!”, students embark on an enlightening journey through the five senses. This unit offers a unique opportunity to explore the world through taste, smell, hearing, touch, and sight. Students will learn about the incredible abilities of animals like Snow, Leo, Carly, Jewel, and Rob, each exemplifying a super sense. They will discover how to use descriptive adjectives to convey sensory experiences, enhancing their language skills. The lessons also emphasize the practical application of sensory language in various environments like the beach, school, mountains, and even a landfill, fostering environmental awareness. Engaging activities and vivid descriptions make this unit an unforgettable sensory adventure, encouraging students to appreciate the wonders of the world through their senses.

  • Smell Adjectives: Good, Delicious, Sweet, Fresh, Stinky, Smoky, Gross, Rotten

  • Taste Adjectives: Spicy, Salty, Sweet, Sour, Awful, Disgusting, Gross, Nasty

  • Hearing Adjectives: Soft, Quiet, Silent, Beautiful, Awful, Horrible, Noisy, Loud

  • Sight Adjectives: Cool, Fancy, Bright, Interesting, Dark, Dim, Scary, Steep

  • Touch Adjectives: Soft, Smooth, Hot, Wet, Hard, Cold, Rough, Dry

  • I like/dislike the smell of ___.

  • I ___ with my ___.

  • It smells/tastes/sounds/looks/feels ___.

  • My favorite food is ___.

  • I hate ____.

  • I can hear ___.

  • I saw/touched/heard/smelled/tasted ___.

  • The ____ shirt is cooler than the ____ shirt.

  • I think the ___ shirt is the coolest.

  • My favorite place is ___.

Lesson 1 – Snow Smells

This lesson introduces the concept of the five senses with a focus on smell, using the character Snow. The engaging story and activities help you understand how smell can be used to identify and solve problems. The use of adjectives to describe smells made the lesson both informative and fun. Great job learning new words like adjectives, nouns, delicious, and rotten! Keep practicing how to describe different smells you experience.

Vocabulary: Adjectives, Nouns, Delicious, Rotten

Lesson 2 – Leo Tastes

In this lesson, you explored the sense of taste through the character Leo. The activities were well-designed to help you differentiate between various tastes and describe them using appropriate adjectives. The storyline involving Leo’s ability to identify dangerous foods was exciting and practical. Excellent work learning words like taste buds, sour, spicy, and disgusting! Continue to describe different tastes in your everyday life.

Vocabulary: Taste Buds, Sour, Spicy, Disgusting


Lesson 3 – Carly Hears

This lesson focused on the sense of hearing, highlighting Carly’s exceptional listening abilities. The activities encouraged you to think about the sounds around you and describe them accurately. The story of Carly using her hearing to solve a problem was engaging and reinforced the importance of this sense. You did a fantastic job with words like noisy, silent, listen, and whisper! Keep listening carefully and describing the sounds you hear.

Vocabulary: Noisy, Silent, Listen, Whisper


Lesson 4 – Jewel Sees

Jewel’s ability to see far distances introduced you to the sense of sight. The comparative adjectives used in this lesson helped you understand how to describe and compare what you see. The narrative about finding a lost child using sight was compelling and educational. Well done on learning new words like sight, compare, enormous, and tiny! Keep observing and describing what you see around you.

Vocabulary: Sight, Compare, Enormous, Tiny


Lesson 5 – Rob Touches

Rob’s super sense of touch was the focus of this lesson, with activities that encouraged you to describe the textures you feel. The story of Rob using his touch to lift heavy objects and save a life was thrilling and underscored the practical applications of the sense of touch. Great job with words like texture, smooth, rough, and soft! Keep feeling different objects and describing their textures.

Vocabulary: Texture, Smooth, Rough, Soft


Lesson 6 – The Beach

This lesson applied the five senses to a visit to the beach. You were encouraged to use descriptive language to talk about what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch at the beach. The inclusion of Waikiki Beach added a real-world connection that enhanced the lesson’s relevance and engagement. Excellent work with words like sand, surf, warm, and vacation! Keep using your senses to describe places you visit.

Vocabulary: Sand, Surf, Warm, Vacation


Lesson 7 – At School

In this lesson, you used your senses to describe your school environment. The activities focused on making detailed observations and using comparative and superlative adjectives. The discussion about the importance of school for learning, teamwork, and socializing provided a comprehensive view of the school experience. Fantastic job with words like knowledge, teamwork, classmates, and activities! Keep observing and describing your school experiences.

Vocabulary: Knowledge, Teamwork, Classmates, Activities


Lesson 8 – In the Mountains

You explored the senses in the context of the mountains. The activities encouraged you to describe the natural environment using rich, sensory language. The story about a family hike reinforced the use of sensory descriptions and highlighted the beauty and diversity of the natural world. Well done learning words like mountains, hike, crisp, and view! Keep exploring and describing the natural world around you.

Vocabulary: Mountains, Hike, Crisp, View


Lesson 9 – In the Forest

This lesson took you to the Redwood Forest, where you used your senses to describe your surroundings. The engaging narrative and activities helped you practice using adjectives to describe what you see, hear, smell, touch, and taste in the forest. The lesson also taught about the unique characteristics of the Redwood Forest. Great job with words like forest, shade, giant, and wildlife! Keep describing the forests and parks you visit.

Vocabulary: Forest, Shade, Giant, Wildlife


Lesson 10 – Landfill Adventure

The final lesson focused on the sensory experience of visiting a landfill. You learned about the importance of waste management and the environmental impact of landfills. The activities helped you describe the unpleasant sensory experiences of a landfill, using a variety of descriptive adjectives. The narrative about Karis disposing of trash tied the lesson together with a practical example. Excellent work with words like landfill, pollution, recycle, and toxic! Keep thinking about ways to reduce waste and describe your experiences.

Vocabulary: Landfill, Pollution, Recycle, Toxic

L3 U5 - Super Senses Return
L3 U5
Super Senses Return
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